Staying on Top of Winter Wellness

Jan 08, 2019

Stay healthy and happy this winter by resisting the urge to hibernate on your winter wellness goals. With the holidays in the rearview, it can be a great time to get back into focusing on yourself. As winter can bring about many viruses and bacteria, watch for the warning signs and stay on top of a proactive wellness regimen.

While drinking water is crucial year-round, it can be easily neglected during the winter months. Staying hydrated can be key to the body’s ability to flush toxins and prevent illness. Consider keeping track of your water intake throughout the day as this may help keep you accountable. Adding fruits and herbs like lemon or mint may also be easy ways to make drinking water more enjoyable.

Consider stocking up on over-the-counter vitamins and minerals to improve winter wellness with brands like DG Health®, Rexall®, One A Day®, Centrum® and many more by visiting your local Dollar General or online. Dollar General offers a wide assortment of vitamins to meet a range of health and wellness needs in the winter and year-round.

Dollar General and Centrum® recently partnered to provide an affordable way to combine health, wellness and energy with the new and exclusive Centrum Energy Multivitamin®, a high potency formula that can provide the option to couple the whole-body health benefits of a multivitamin with Super B Complex for energy support.*

Consider staying active when it’s cold out by bundling up in warm clothes and heading outside. The outdoors can provide Vitamin D, which can be essential to keeping your immune system up. Getting a full night’s rest may also be essential to staying ahead of illness. If you prefer the indoors, consider mall walking or joining a gym. While the cold weather may make it easy to skip your workout routine for the comfort of home, consider staying accountable for workouts by logging it in your calendar.

Stay stocked on your health and wellness needs by enrolling in Dollar General’s AutoDeliver, where you can save 5 percent on all future orders and set the delivery schedule to best fit your needs. Items like vitamins are included, so you’ll never fall behind on your wellness goals.

(*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)