Dollar General Response to Business Insider

November 2, 2023

At Dollar General, we have a strong, ongoing shareholder engagement program and a well-documented track record of responsiveness to shareholder feedback. 


As we have shared with Domini and other shareholders, the Company plans to be responsive to the majority-supported shareholder request to “commission an independent third-party audit on the impact of the company’s policies and practices on the safety and well-being of workers” and publish a report on our website. The Company has engaged a third-party with relevant expertise to conduct the audit, which is underway, with an expectation that the audit will be completed in sufficient time to publish a publicly available report prior to the 2024 annual shareholders’ meeting.


The Company has engaged with Domini on several occasions, including multiple calls with members of executive leadership. During these conversations, Domini was provided the opportunity to ask questions and provide its views regarding workplace safety generally, the need for a safety audit and the manner in which such an audit should be conducted. Those views were shared with the Company’s Board of Directors.