Decorate a Tree for Less

Nov 16, 2017

The tree is often the focal point of any well-decorated room during the holidays. That does not mean that decorating has to cost a fortune. A tree can be inexpensive and beautiful at the same time because making affordable choices does not mean forgoing style.

Consider an artificial tree to get more for the money. Artificial trees are available in all shapes, sizes and can be stored after the holidays to be used again year after year. Once the tree is up, choose whether to use colored lights or solid white tree lights. Visit Dollar General for inexpensive lights that will make your tree sparkle.

Changing themes inexpensively each year using $1 ornaments is a great way to save when decorating. Choose from a variety of colors or pick one color to keep it simple. 

Another great way to save is to use popped popcorn as gardland. First, pop the corn (plain flavor), let it dry and string together until the desired length for the tree is reached. Now that the tree is fully decorated, stand around and admire how beautiful it is with family and friends! 

Visit a local Dollar General store to shop for holiday decorations or online